WESN Launch Team!

Thanks for joining the WESN Allman launch team!
We wanted to give you a chance to spread the word about our campaign. By joining the launch team and participating in all of the below steps you will receive the WESN gift pack as a thank you at the end of our campaign.
Which includes an Exclusive WESN campaign t-shirt ($25), a WESN Sticker pack ($10), and a WESN keychain ($10).
Follow the below steps to participate:
Back the Campaign within the first 24hrs:
Make sure to be one of the first backers within the next 24hrs to participate.
Click here to back the campaign
Share the campaign on Facebook:
Click here to share
Make sure to hashtag #AllmanKickstarter in your post, so we can track it.
Email 4 friends:
Click here to email 4 friends
Make sure to CC allman@wesngoods.com, so we can track the email.

#4 (Optional)
Post on Instagram:
Post one of the below images on your Instagram and make sure to mention the Kickstarter campaign and hashtag #WESNAllman
Click here to access images
If you complete these tasks, you will qualify to receive your WESN gift pack.
All gift packs will be fulfilled at the same time as your Kickstarter campaign pledge.